Our Team

Our leadership team continues to drive innovation through a commitment to customer success and dedication to solving modern-day business problems with world-class, cutting-edge technology solutions.

Khiro Mishra Founding CEO

Khiro crafts the strategy and drives the execution to establish Cybalt as a global leader. Read More

Patrick McElhiney XDR Engineering Head

Patrick transitions clients into the Managed XDR platform as well as XDR Fusion. Read More

Anant Bhat XDR Delivery Head

Anant drives service excellence and delivery innovation to provide services in the most effective manner. Read More

Veronica Shivers Program Governance & Management Head

Veronica ensures the organization achieves its goals and objectives through program governance. Read More

JP Mohapatra Infrastructure & Data Security Head

JP leads Cybalt's Systems Integration and Security Device Management practice. Read More

Colleen Gasik Customer Success Management Head

Colleen drives key initiatives that accelerate Customer Success across Cybalt's portfolio of services. Read More

Neelam Kapoor Marketing Head

Neelam heads up global marketing for the company's Solutions Integration, Services, and cybersecurity businesses. Read More

James Cassibo Finance & Accounting Head

Jim oversees the accounting, controls, financial planning and analysis, and business operations. Read More

Richard Sandy IT & Security Head

Richard brings 26 years of data center experience and expertise in the design, service and cybersecurity layers of data center operations. Read More

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